Car Trouble

In spite of careful and prudent driving, an occasional park visitor will strike a deer (or, very rarely, a bear) with their car. If that should happen to you, remember that a large wounded animal – either bear or deer – can be dangerous. Stay away from it; there’s nothing you can do to help it. (Do not try to load a wounded deer into your car with the idea of taking it to a vet.)


Just notice where you are (note the nearest overlook or milepost) and report the incident to a ranger as promptly as you can.

Your car may break down somewhere along the Drive, or it may not start because of a weak battery, or you may run out of gas. A ranger may help you get started. For more serious problems a tow truck will be called from a nearby town. If your vehicle is broken down you can call for your own tow truck. If your vehicle is obstructing traffic or has been involved in an accident, please call Park Communications Center 800-732-0911 for assistance.

Source: Tommy Boy. Digital image. Shelby Farms Park. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2015.

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